
 映画「キル・ビル」のアニメパートなどを手がけた中澤一登さんが監督を務め、「攻殻機動隊」シリーズなどのプロダクションI.Gが制作するオリジナルアニメ「B:The Beginning」の試写会が21日、東京都内で行われ、梶裕貴さんら声優陣が登場した。

 バイオリン工房で職人として働く謎の少年・黒羽役の梶さんは、作品については、梶さんが「海外ドラマみたい! 絶対面白くなる!と思ってオーディションに参加させていただきました。みんなで愛情をもって作品に参加しました」と話した。


 アニメは、キースが、凶悪犯罪者ばかりを狙う連続殺人鬼、通称「Killer B」を追う姿を描く。3月2日から動画配信サービス「Netflix(ネットフリックス)」で世界同時配信される。

Anime “B:The Beginning”

The preview of the original anime “B: The Beginning” directed by Kazuto Nakazawa (director of the movie “Kill Bill”), produced by I.G Production (the series “Ghost in the Shell”…) was held in Tokyo on 21st, the voice actor Yūki Kaji also attended.

Kaji – voices Kurobe, a mysterious young man who works as a craftworker at a violin factory. About the anime, he said: “I thought: It was such like a foreign movie, absolutely interesting.” Hence, I participated the audition. Thanks to your support, I was able to take part in this work.

Hiroaki Hirata as Keith/Kazama/Dr. Flick, a legendary inspector called the “Geni” (genius); Asami Seto as Hoshimei Lily- a young female investigator; and Kaito Ishikawa as Minazuki – Market Maker of a mysterious organization appeared at the preview. Director Nakazawa also attended the event.

The anime depicts Keith pursuing a serial killer that only aims at violent criminals, also known as “Killer B”.

It will be broadcasted worldwide through “Netflix”, a video distribution service from 3rd February.